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Fall is here,

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Shop our curated selection of wines, spirits & saké!



    The Vireton Pinot Noir 750ml is a delicious red wine with a smooth and fruity flavor profile. This wine is crafted from Pinot Noir grapes sourced from the renowned region of Burgundy, France, known for producing high-quality wines.

    When enjoying the Vireton Pinot Noir, it is recommended to serve slightly chilled at around 55-60°F. This wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, including roasted chicken, grilled salmon, and mushroom risotto. It can also be enjoyed on its own as a delightful evening sipper.


  • Cafaggio Chianti Classico 750ml

    Cafaggio Chianti Classico 750ml

    The Cafaggio Chianti 750ml is a classic Italian red wine from the Chianti region. This wine is known for its medium-bodied profile with flavors of dark cherries, plums, and savory herbs, complemented by a hint of earthiness.

    For best results, serve this Chianti at room temperature and pair it with your favorite Italian dishes, such as pasta with tomato sauce, roasted meats, or aged cheeses. This wine is perfect for casual gatherings or special occasions.




    KESNER ROCKBREAK CHARDONNAY 750ML is a crisp and refreshing white wine from the renowned Chardonnay region. This wine offers a perfect balance of fruity notes with a hint of oak, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.

    For optimal enjoyment, serve chilled and pair with seafood, poultry, or creamy pasta dishes. This Chardonnay also pairs well with soft cheeses or can be enjoyed on its own as a delightful aperitif.


  • Colome Torrontes 750ml

    Colome Torrontes 750ml

    Colome Torrontes 750ml is a refreshing white wine hailing from Argentina. This wine boasts flavors of vibrant citrus, floral notes, and a hint of spice, creating a crisp and aromatic profile that pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes.

    For best results, serve chilled at around 45-50°F. This wine is ideal for pairing with seafood dishes, salads, or enjoyed on its own as a refreshing aperitif. Be sure to store in a cool, dark place to preserve the wine's quality and flavors.


  • Ballotin Peanut Butter Chocolate Whiskey 750ml

    Ballotin Peanut Butter Chocolate Whiskey 750ml

    Ballotin Peanut Butter Chocolate Whiskey 750ml is a decadent blend of rich peanut butter, creamy chocolate, and smooth whiskey. Distilled in the USA, this unique flavored whiskey offers a balanced and indulgent taste experience.

    Enjoy Ballotin Peanut Butter Chocolate Whiskey neat over ice for a luxurious sipping experience, or use it as a premium ingredient in cocktails and dessert recipes to elevate your creations with a delicious twist.


  • Cosentino Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Cosentino Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Cosentino Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml is a bold red wine with flavors of black currant, plum, and a hint of tobacco. This wine hails from the renowned wine region of California, known for producing high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon.

    This wine pairs well with grilled meats, hearty pasta dishes, and aged cheeses. For optimal enjoyment, decant the wine for at least 30 minutes before serving at room temperature. Enjoy responsibly.


  • Gabbiano D'Oro Chianti Classico 750ml

    Gabbiano D'Oro Chianti Classico 750ml

    Gabbiano D'Oro Chianti Classico 750ml is a classic Italian red wine from the Chianti region. With flavors of cherry, plum, and earthy undertones, this wine is medium-bodied with a smooth finish, making it perfect for pairing with pasta dishes or roasted meats.

    To fully enjoy the flavors of Gabbiano D'Oro Chianti Classico, it is recommended to decant the wine for at least 30 minutes before serving. Serve at a cool room temperature of around 60-65°F to enhance the aromas and flavors. This wine pairs well with traditional Italian dishes such as spaghetti bolognese or osso buco.


  • Henri Bourgeois Pouilly Fume 750ml

    Henri Bourgeois Pouilly Fume 750ml

    The Henri Bourgeois Pouilly Fume 750ml is a refreshing white wine hailing from the renowned Pouilly-Fume region in France. Known for its crisp and lively flavors, this wine offers notes of citrus, green apple, and a hint of minerality.

    This elegant wine pairs well with a variety of dishes such as seafood, salads, and light pasta dishes. For optimal enjoyment, serve chilled at around 10-12°C and swirl in the glass to unlock its full aromas before savoring each sip.


  • New Amsterdam Pineapple 1.75Lt

    New Amsterdam Pineapple 1.75Lt

    New Amsterdam Pineapple 1.75Lt is a refreshing vodka infused with the sweet and tropical taste of pineapples. This product is part of the New Amsterdam Vodka line, known for its smooth and clean flavors, and is perfect for those looking to add a hint of fruitiness to their cocktails. Made in America.

    Enjoy New Amsterdam Pineapple Vodka on its own over ice, or mix it with your favorite fruit juices or soda for a delicious cocktail. This versatile spirit is also great for adding a tropical twist to classic vodka drinks like martinis or mules. Try incorporating it into your next brunch or summer gathering for a refreshing and flavorful experience.




    Guarda Rios Red Blend 750ml is a rich and full-bodied wine originating from the lush vineyards of Portugal. This blend offers a harmonious combination of fruity notes with a subtle hint of spice, creating a well-balanced and complex flavor profile.

    Enjoy Guarda Rios Red Blend on its own as a standalone indulgence or pair it with hearty dishes such as grilled meats, pasta with red sauce, or mature cheeses for a delightful dining experience. Serve at room temperature to fully appreciate the depth of flavors in this exquisite red wine.


  • Barone Cornacchia Montepulciano D'Abruzzo 750ml

    Barone Cornacchia Montepulciano D'Abruzzo 750ml

    Barone Cornacchia Montepulciano D'Abruzzo is a bold and robust red wine from the Abruzzo region of Italy. With flavors of dark cherries, blackberries, and a hint of spice, this wine pairs perfectly with hearty pasta dishes or grilled meats.

    This 750ml bottle is best enjoyed at a temperature of 60-65°F and can be decanted before serving to enhance its flavors. Store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and enjoy within 2-3 years of purchase for optimal taste.


  • Rapitala Alto Reale Nero D'Avola 750ml

    Rapitala Alto Reale Nero D'Avola 750ml

    Rapitala Alto Reale Nero D'Avola 750ml is a rich and full-bodied red wine hailing from the Sicily region of Italy. This wine is made from the indigenous Nero D'Avola grape, showcasing flavors of dark cherry, plum, and hints of spice.

    Pair this wine with roasted meats, hearty pasta dishes, or aged cheeses to fully experience its bold and complex flavors. Serve slightly chilled at around 60-65°F to enhance the aromas and taste of this exceptional wine.


  • Gekkeikan Nigori Sake Unfiltered 750ml

    Gekkeikan Nigori Sake Unfiltered 750ml

    Experience the unique taste of Gekkeikan Nigori Sake Unfiltered 750ml. This premium sake from Japan is rich and creamy, with a smooth and sweet flavor profile. Made with high-quality rice and pure water, this unfiltered sake offers a delightful balance of sweetness and acidity.

    Enjoy Gekkeikan Nigori Sake chilled or on the rocks for a refreshing drink. Pair it with sushi, sashimi, or spicy dishes to enhance the flavors. This sake can also be used in cocktails or desserts for a touch of Japanese flair. Keep refrigerated after opening to preserve its freshness.


  • Ste Michelle Columbia Valley Riesling 750ml

    Ste Michelle Columbia Valley Riesling 750ml

    Ste Michelle Columbia Valley Riesling 750ml is a crisp and refreshing white wine from the Columbia Valley region. This Riesling offers a delightful mix of floral and citrus notes, with a hint of sweetness balanced by a bright acidity.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including seafood, poultry, and spicy Asian cuisine. Serve chilled to enhance the flavors and enjoy on its own or as a complement to your favorite meal.


  • Ste Michelle Gewurztraminer 750ml

    Ste Michelle Gewurztraminer 750ml

    Ste Michelle Gewurztraminer 750ml is a refreshing white wine hailing from the Columbia Valley in Washington State. This aromatic varietal is known for its vibrant flavors of lychee, rose petals, and spice, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy a slightly sweeter white wine.

    This Gewurztraminer pairs exceptionally well with spicy dishes, such as Thai or Indian cuisine. It also makes a great companion to creamy cheeses, grilled seafood, and light salads. Serve chilled for optimal enjoyment.


  • Gekkeikan Sake Black and Gold 750ml

    Gekkeikan Sake Black and Gold 750ml

    Experience the rich and smooth flavor of Gekkeikan Sake Black and Gold 750ml. This premium sake originates from Folsom, California, and boasts a delicate balance of bold flavors with subtle hints of sweetness, perfect for sipping on its own or pairing with your favorite dishes.

    For optimal enjoyment, serve chilled in a traditional sake cup or wine glass. Gekkeikan Sake Black and Gold 750ml is ideal for enhancing the flavors of Japanese cuisine, seafood, and poultry dishes. Savor this versatile sake straight, on the rocks, or in a cocktail for a unique and refreshing libation.


  • Bellini Volante 750ml

    Bellini Volante 750ml

    The Bellini Volante 750ml is a delicious sparkling wine originating from the Veneto region of Italy. This vibrant and refreshing wine features notes of juicy peach and crisp citrus, perfect for any celebration or special occasion.

    For best results, serve Bellini Volante chilled in tall champagne flutes to enhance its effervescence. Pair with light appetizers or enjoy on its own as a delightful aperitif. Cheers to a truly delightful drinking experience!


  • Metaxa Ouzo Liqueur 750ml

    Metaxa Ouzo Liqueur 750ml

     Based on an original recipe from early 1900s, Ouzo by METAXA is crafted from six botanicals from the Mediterranean basin including the rare and precious Mastiha from Chios island. It is best enjoyed on ice or with water and Mediterranean finger food


  • 90+ Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    90+ Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Introducing Ninety+ Sauvignon Blanc California, a refreshing white wine with citrus and tropical fruit notes, perfect for those who enjoy a crisp and clean flavor profile. This wine hails from the sunny state of California, known for producing quality Sauvignon Blanc varietals.

    For optimal enjoyment, chill the Ninety+ Sauvignon Blanc California before serving and pair it with seafood dishes, salads, or light appetizers. This versatile wine is also excellent for sipping on its own during a warm summer day or evening. Cheers!


  • On the Rocks Whiskey Sour Spiced Pear 375ml

    On the Rocks Whiskey Sour Spiced Pear 375ml

    On the Rocks Whiskey Sour Spiced Pear 375ml is a delightful cocktail mix featuring the flavors of spiced pear and whiskey. Made in the USA, this ready-to-drink cocktail offers a perfect blend of sweetness and spice.

    To enjoy, simply pour over ice and stir gently for a refreshing and flavorful drink. Garnish with a slice of pear or a cinnamon stick for added flair.


  • Aphrodite Ouzo 750ml

    Aphrodite Ouzo 750ml

    Aphrodite Ouzo 750ml is a traditional Greek spirit known for its smooth anise flavor with hints of citrus and licorice. This premium Ouzo is produced in Greece, following traditional methods to create a distinctive and authentic taste.

    Enjoy Aphrodite Ouzo neat, on the rocks, or mixed with water to release its full flavor profile. Pair it with Mediterranean dishes or serve as a refreshing aperitif before meals. Experiment with cocktails by adding Aphrodite Ouzo to create unique and flavorful drinks.


  • Chateau Redon Bordeaux 750ml

    Chateau Redon Bordeaux 750ml

    Chateau Redon Bordeaux 750ml is a rich and flavorful red wine sourced from the renowned Bordeaux region of France. This wine is known for its complex flavor profile, with notes of dark fruit, oak, and a smooth finish.

    This wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including red meats, pasta with tomato-based sauces, and aged cheeses. It is best served slightly chilled, around 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit, and decanting before serving can help enhance the wine's flavors. Enjoy a glass of Chateau Redon Bordeaux 750ml at your next dinner party or special occasion.




    AMARETTO DISARONNO VELVET 750ML is a smooth and velvety liqueur with a rich almond flavor, crafted in Italy. Made from a blend of bitter almonds, apricot kernels, and top-quality alcohol, this liqueur is a versatile addition to any bar.

    Enjoy AMARETTO DISARONNO VELVET 750ML on the rocks, in cocktails like the classic Amaretto Sour, or drizzled over desserts for a sweet and nutty twist. This luxurious liqueur is perfect for elevating your favorite drinks and recipes.


  • New Amsterdam Vodka Lemon 750ml

    New Amsterdam Vodka Lemon 750ml

    New Amsterdam Lemon 750ml is a refreshing citrus-flavored vodka from the New Amsterdam distillery. Made with the highest quality grains and purest water, this vodka has a smooth taste with a bright lemon zest flavor profile.

    Enjoy New Amsterdam Lemon on the rocks, mixed with soda water for a light and bubbly cocktail, or in your favorite lemon-based mixed drink. This versatile vodka pairs well with a variety of mixers and is perfect for bringing a touch of citrus to any cocktail creation.




    LIQUID LIGHT ROSE is a refreshing and fruity rosé wine originating from the sunny vineyards of Provence, France. This wine boasts delicate notes of strawberries and citrus, with a crisp and clean finish.

    For optimal enjoyment, serve LIQUID LIGHT ROSE chilled at around 8-10°C. Pair this versatile wine with light salads, fresh seafood, or simply enjoy on its own as a delightful aperitif.




    CAPRICCIO PEACH SANGRIA 750ML is a refreshing drink with a delightful peach flavor. This sangria originates from Spain, known for its rich wine culture.

    Enjoy CAPRICCIO PEACH SANGRIA 750ML chilled over ice with fresh fruit garnishes for the perfect summer beverage. It can also be mixed with club soda or sprite for a lighter, fizzy alternative.




    High Noon Vodka Iced Tea 8 Pack combines the refreshing taste of iced tea with a subtle kick of vodka. Made with quality ingredients, this drink is perfect for those looking for a light and easy-to-enjoy cocktail. Imported from the United States, High Noon Vodka Iced Tea is a popular choice for summer gatherings and social events.

    For best results, serve chilled over ice and garnish with a lemon wedge for added zest. Enjoy this drink on its own or as a base for creative cocktails. Perfect for picnics, barbecues, or simply relaxing at home, High Noon Vodka Iced Tea 8 Pack is a versatile and convenient option for any occasion.


  • New Amsterdam Raspberry 1Lt

    New Amsterdam Raspberry 1Lt

    New Amsterdam Raspberry 750ml is a delicious raspberry flavored vodka from the renowned New Amsterdam distillery. This premium spirit offers a delightful fusion of sweet and tart raspberry flavors, perfect for those looking for a refreshing and fruity drink.

    This versatile vodka can be enjoyed on its own over ice or used as a base for cocktails such as Raspberry Martinis or Raspberry Lemonade Spritzers. Get creative with mixers and garnishes to enhance the fruity notes of this exceptional spirit.




    AVIATION GIN DEADPOOL 750ML is a premium gin crafted in the United States. This unique spirit boasts a flavorful profile with botanical notes that are perfectly balanced, making it a versatile choice for cocktails or enjoying neat.

    For optimal enjoyment, try mixing AVIATION GIN DEADPOOL 750ML with soda water and a splash of fresh lemon juice for a refreshing gin and tonic. You can also use it in classic cocktails like a martini or Negroni for a sophisticated and delicious twist. No matter how you choose to enjoy it, this gin is sure to impress with its smooth and complex flavors.




    XXL MOSCATO PINEAPPLE 750ML is a delightful fusion of sweet Moscato wine with the refreshing flavor of tropical pineapple. It is crafted in the sunny vineyards of California, known for producing high-quality grapes for delicious wines.

    This flavorful wine is best enjoyed chilled on its own or mixed into tropical cocktails for a sweet and fruity twist. Pair it with light appetizers, fruit platters, or spicy dishes to complement its tropical notes. Whether you're hosting a party or enjoying a relaxing evening at home, XXL MOSCATO PINEAPPLE is sure to impress with its unique flavor profile.




    XXL BLACKBERRY MOSCATO 750ML is a delightful wine with a unique blend of juicy blackberry flavors and the subtle sweetness of Moscato grapes. Imported from renowned vineyards, this refreshing drink is perfect for those who enjoy fruity and crisp wines.

    To fully enjoy the XXL BLACKBERRY MOSCATO, serve chilled in a wine glass and pair it with light desserts or fresh fruit. This versatile wine can also be used to make delicious cocktails or enjoyed on its own as a refreshing beverage. Cheers to a delightful wine experience!




    DEKUYPER WATERMELON PUCKER 1LT is a refreshing spirit with a vibrant watermelon flavor. This product is made in the USA, known for its high-quality spirits.

    This watermelon-flavored spirit is perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying on its own over ice. Try mixing it with lemon-lime soda for a refreshing summer drink, or adding a splash to your favorite punch recipe for a fruity twist.




    ILATIUM SOAVE 750ML is a classic white wine from the Soave region of Italy. This wine offers crisp, refreshing notes of citrus, pear, and floral undertones, with a subtle hint of minerality. It is perfect for those who enjoy a light and delicate wine that pairs well with a variety of dishes.

    This elegant Soave wine pairs beautifully with seafood dishes such as grilled shrimp, lemon herb chicken, or a fresh caprese salad. It also complements light pasta dishes with white sauce, as well as a variety of soft cheeses. Enjoy a glass of ILATIUM SOAVE 750ML with your favorite Mediterranean-inspired meals for a truly delightful dining experience.




    Enjoy the elegant taste of J GUILLERMIN BRUT BLANC DE BLANCS 750ML, a sparkling wine from an esteemed region. This Blanc de Blancs boasts a crisp and refreshing flavor profile, perfect for those who appreciate a dry and fruity wine. Produced with high-quality grapes, this wine is sure to elevate any occasion.

    Pair this exquisite wine with a variety of dishes such as seafood, sushi, or salad for a delightful dining experience. It also complements light appetizers and creamy cheeses, making it a versatile choice for any meal. Celebrate special moments with J GUILLERMIN BRUT BLANC DE BLANCS 750ML and enhance the flavors of your favorite foods.




    LIVIO FELLUGA FRIULANO 750ML is a crisp white wine hailing from the Friuli region of Italy. This wine boasts flavors of ripe stone fruits, citrus, and a hint of almond, with a refreshing acidity that makes it perfect for warm weather sipping.

    Pair this Friulano with a variety of dishes, including seafood pasta, grilled vegetables, or light poultry dishes. It also complements creamy cheeses such as brie or goat cheese, making it a versatile option for entertaining or enjoying a quiet evening at home.


  • Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2023

    Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2023

    Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2023 is a vibrant and fruity wine hailing from the Beaujolais region of France. This young and lively red wine is known for its fresh flavors of red berries, banana, and peach, with a light and easy-drinking character.

    Pair this Beaujolais Nouveau with a variety of dishes, including charcuterie, roasted chicken, and grilled vegetables. It also complements pasta dishes with tomato-based sauces, making it a versatile option for any meal.


  • Stonecap Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Stonecap Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    STONECAP CABERNET SAUVIGNON is a rich and bold red wine from the renowned Columbia Valley region. This Cabernet Sauvignon offers flavors of dark fruits, hints of chocolate, and a smooth finish, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate full-bodied wines.

    This wine pairs well with red meats such as grilled steak or barbecue ribs, as well as hearty dishes like beef stew or lasagna. It also complements aged cheeses like cheddar or gouda, making it a versatile option for a variety of meals.


  • Stella Rosa White Peach 750ml

    Stella Rosa White Peach 750ml

    Stella Rosa White Peach 750ml is a delicious wine with a refreshing flavor profile of ripe white peaches. This wine is crafted in Italy, known for producing high-quality wines with rich flavors.

    This wine pairs perfectly with light salads, seafood dishes, and fruity desserts. Enjoy a glass of Stella Rosa White Peach with grilled shrimp or a fresh fruit salad for a delightful dining experience.




    JOSH SEASWEPT SAUVIGNON BLANC 750ML is a refreshing white wine with a vibrant flavor profile. This Sauvignon Blanc hails from a region known for producing wines with crisp citrus notes and a hint of tropical fruits.

    This wine pairs well with seafood dishes such as grilled shrimp, fresh oysters, and citrusy ceviche. It also complements light salads and goat cheese appetizers perfectly. Enjoy a glass of JOSH SEASWEPT SAUVIGNON BLANC 750ML with your favorite seafood dish for a delightful dining experience.


  • Moxo Vinho Verde 750ML

    Moxo Vinho Verde 750ML

    Moxo Vinho Verde 750ML is a refreshing white wine from the Vinho Verde region of Portugal. This crisp and light-bodied wine offers notes of green apple, citrus, and a subtle spritziness, making it the perfect choice for a warm summer day.

    Pair Moxo Vinho Verde 750ML with seafood dishes such as grilled shrimp, oysters, or fish tacos. It also complements light salads, vegetable dishes, and fresh cheeses. Serve chilled for the best tasting experience.
