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    The HENNESSY VS X LEBRON JAMES 750ML is a unique collaboration between Hennessy and basketball legend LeBron James. This limited edition cognac offers a smooth and well-balanced flavor profile, with hints of vanilla, oak, and dried fruits. This premium spirit is crafted in Cognac, France, using traditional techniques passed down through generations.

    To fully enjoy the HENNESSY VS X LEBRON JAMES 750ML, it is recommended to serve it neat or on the rocks in a snifter glass. The complex flavors and aromas of this cognac can also be enhanced in classic cocktails like a Sidecar or French Connection. This exclusive release is perfect for celebrating special occasions or enjoying as a sophisticated sip on its own.




    CASA AZUL TEQUILA REPOSADO 750ML is a premium tequila from Mexico. This reposado tequila offers a smooth and rich flavor profile with hints of oak and caramel, perfect for sipping on its own or as the base for your favorite cocktails.

    For best results, enjoy CASA AZUL TEQUILA REPOSADO neat or on the rocks to fully appreciate its complex flavor profile. It also makes a great addition to classic cocktails like Margaritas or Palomas. Store in a cool, dark place and serve chilled for optimal taste.


  • Bellini Volante 750ml

    Bellini Volante 750ml

    The Bellini Volante 750ml is a delicious sparkling wine originating from the Veneto region of Italy. This vibrant and refreshing wine features notes of juicy peach and crisp citrus, perfect for any celebration or special occasion.

    For best results, serve Bellini Volante chilled in tall champagne flutes to enhance its effervescence. Pair with light appetizers or enjoy on its own as a delightful aperitif. Cheers to a truly delightful drinking experience!


  • Metaxa Ouzo Liqueur 750ml

    Metaxa Ouzo Liqueur 750ml

     Based on an original recipe from early 1900s, Ouzo by METAXA is crafted from six botanicals from the Mediterranean basin including the rare and precious Mastiha from Chios island. It is best enjoyed on ice or with water and Mediterranean finger food


  • Ninety+ Sauvignon Blanc California 750ml

    Ninety+ Sauvignon Blanc California 750ml

    Introducing Ninety+ Sauvignon Blanc California, a refreshing white wine with citrus and tropical fruit notes, perfect for those who enjoy a crisp and clean flavor profile. This wine hails from the sunny state of California, known for producing quality Sauvignon Blanc varietals.

    For optimal enjoyment, chill the Ninety+ Sauvignon Blanc California before serving and pair it with seafood dishes, salads, or light appetizers. This versatile wine is also excellent for sipping on its own during a warm summer day or evening. Cheers!


  • On the Rocks Whiskey Sour Spiced Pear 375ml

    On the Rocks Whiskey Sour Spiced Pear 375ml

    On the Rocks Whiskey Sour Spiced Pear 375ml is a delightful cocktail mix featuring the flavors of spiced pear and whiskey. Made in the USA, this ready-to-drink cocktail offers a perfect blend of sweetness and spice.

    To enjoy, simply pour over ice and stir gently for a refreshing and flavorful drink. Garnish with a slice of pear or a cinnamon stick for added flair.


  • Aphrodite Ouzo 750ml

    Aphrodite Ouzo 750ml

    Aphrodite Ouzo 750ml is a traditional Greek spirit known for its smooth anise flavor with hints of citrus and licorice. This premium Ouzo is produced in Greece, following traditional methods to create a distinctive and authentic taste.

    Enjoy Aphrodite Ouzo neat, on the rocks, or mixed with water to release its full flavor profile. Pair it with Mediterranean dishes or serve as a refreshing aperitif before meals. Experiment with cocktails by adding Aphrodite Ouzo to create unique and flavorful drinks.


  • Jack Daniels Bonded Rye 100PF 700ml

    Jack Daniels Bonded Rye 100PF 700ml

    JACK DANIELS BONDED RYE 100PF 700ML is a premium rye whiskey with a smooth and spicy flavor profile, made in Lynchburg, Tennessee. The 100 proof adds a robust kick to the traditional rye taste, making it a favorite among whiskey enthusiasts.

    Enjoy JACK DANIELS BONDED RYE neat or on the rocks to fully appreciate its bold flavor. This rye whiskey also makes a great base for classic cocktails like Manhattans or Old Fashioneds, providing a rich and spicy twist to your favorite drinks.


  • 99 Chocolate liqueur 50ml

    99 Chocolate liqueur 50ml

    99 Chocolate Liqueur is a decadent and rich chocolate-flavored liqueur made with high-quality ingredients. This luxurious product originates from Germany, known for its superior craftsmanship in producing spirits.

    Enjoy 99 Chocolate Liqueur 50ml neat as a dessert drink, or add a splash to coffee or hot chocolate for an indulgent treat. This versatile liqueur can also be used in cocktails to add a hint of sweetness and depth of flavor.


  • Chateau Redon Bordeaux 750ml

    Chateau Redon Bordeaux 750ml

    Chateau Redon Bordeaux 750ml is a rich and flavorful red wine sourced from the renowned Bordeaux region of France. This wine is known for its complex flavor profile, with notes of dark fruit, oak, and a smooth finish.

    This wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including red meats, pasta with tomato-based sauces, and aged cheeses. It is best served slightly chilled, around 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit, and decanting before serving can help enhance the wine's flavors. Enjoy a glass of Chateau Redon Bordeaux 750ml at your next dinner party or special occasion.




    AMARETTO DISARONNO VELVET 750ML is a smooth and velvety liqueur with a rich almond flavor, crafted in Italy. Made from a blend of bitter almonds, apricot kernels, and top-quality alcohol, this liqueur is a versatile addition to any bar.

    Enjoy AMARETTO DISARONNO VELVET 750ML on the rocks, in cocktails like the classic Amaretto Sour, or drizzled over desserts for a sweet and nutty twist. This luxurious liqueur is perfect for elevating your favorite drinks and recipes.


  • The Gardener Gin 700ml

    The Gardener Gin 700ml

    The Gardener is a 42% ABV, organic, London Dry gin that's inspired by the French Riviera. It's made with fresh citrus fruits grown in the region, including bitter orange Bigarade, sweet orange, and pink grapefruit. The gin is distilled in copper stills from wheat and has a base of juniper, licorice, angelica, and coriander.


  • Coppola Claret Cabernet Sauvignon 375ml

    Coppola Claret Cabernet Sauvignon 375ml

    COPPOLA CLARET CABERNET SAUVIGNON 375ML is a rich and flavorful wine with notes of black cherry, currant, and spice. This red wine hails from the renowned Napa Valley region, known for producing high-quality Cabernet Sauvignon wines.

    This versatile wine pairs well with grilled meats, hearty pasta dishes, and aged cheeses. Serve it slightly chilled at around 60-65°F to bring out the best of its flavors. Enjoy a glass on its own or as the perfect accompaniment to a delicious meal.


  • New Amsterdam Vodka Lemon 750ml

    New Amsterdam Vodka Lemon 750ml

    New Amsterdam Lemon 750ml is a refreshing citrus-flavored vodka from the New Amsterdam distillery. Made with the highest quality grains and purest water, this vodka has a smooth taste with a bright lemon zest flavor profile.

    Enjoy New Amsterdam Lemon on the rocks, mixed with soda water for a light and bubbly cocktail, or in your favorite lemon-based mixed drink. This versatile vodka pairs well with a variety of mixers and is perfect for bringing a touch of citrus to any cocktail creation.




    Introducing NEW AMSTERAM TANGERINE VODKA 375ML, a premium vodka with a refreshing tangerine flavor. Distilled in the United States, this vodka offers a unique twist on the classic spirit, perfect for those looking for a citrusy taste in their drinks.

    Enjoy NEW AMSTERAM TANGERINE VODKA 375ML neat, on the rocks, or mixed in your favorite cocktails for a burst of tangerine flavor. Try it in a Tangerine Vodka Martini or a Tangerine Vodka Collins for a delicious and vibrant drink experience.




    Introducing New Amsterdam Tangerine Vodka 200mL, a citrus-infused vodka perfect for those seeking a refreshing and tangy spirit. Crafted in Amsterdam, this vodka captures the essence of ripe tangerines, delivering a zesty and vibrant flavor profile.

    Enjoy New Amsterdam Tangerine Vodka on its own over ice for a crisp and invigorating sip. Or mix it into your favorite cocktails for a citrus twist - try it in a Tangerine Martini or a Tangerine Vodka Sour for a burst of tangy flavor. Cheers to a taste of Amsterdam in every bottle!




    Introducing the bold and refreshing New Amsterdam Tangerine Vodka 50mL. This premium vodka boasts a delicious tangerine flavor that is perfect for creating vibrant cocktails. Crafted in New Amsterdam, this vodka is made with the finest ingredients for a smooth and crisp taste.

    Enjoy the New Amsterdam Tangerine Vodka neat, on the rocks, or mixed with your favorite citrus soda for a refreshing drink. This versatile vodka is also great for adding a zesty twist to classic cocktail recipes like Cosmopolitans or Martinis. Be sure to chill the vodka before serving for the best tasting experience.


  • Jose Cuervo Silver Tradicional 50ml

    Jose Cuervo Silver Tradicional 50ml

    Jose Cuervo Silver Tradicional 50ml is a premium tequila from Mexico. This tequila is known for its smooth and crisp flavor profile, with notes of agave and citrus. It is the perfect choice for those who appreciate high-quality spirits.

    To fully enjoy Jose Cuervo Silver Tradicional 50ml, it is recommended to serve it chilled in a shot glass or as a base for cocktails such as Margaritas or Palomas. This tequila pairs well with lime and salt for a classic tequila shot experience..




    LIQUID LIGHT ROSE is a refreshing and fruity rosé wine originating from the sunny vineyards of Provence, France. This wine boasts delicate notes of strawberries and citrus, with a crisp and clean finish.

    For optimal enjoyment, serve LIQUID LIGHT ROSE chilled at around 8-10°C. Pair this versatile wine with light salads, fresh seafood, or simply enjoy on its own as a delightful aperitif.


  • Chateau Pibran 2019

    Chateau Pibran 2019

    Chateau Pibran 2019 is a red wine from the renowned Pauillac region in Bordeaux, France. This wine boasts a rich and complex flavor profile with notes of dark berries, tobacco, and a hint of spice, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate bold and full-bodied wines.

    To fully enjoy the flavors of Chateau Pibran 2019, it is recommended to decant the wine for at least 30 minutes before serving at a temperature of 60-65°F. Pair this wine with hearty dishes such as roasted meats, grilled vegetables, or aged cheeses to enhance its depth and complexity.
